Damn frosting

2002-11-12 - 5:36 p.m.


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Today I started out with the best intentions. I ate my normal for breakfast. 1 cup of special K with 1/2 cup of skim milk. Yes I still eat dry cereal. Then I messed up. I had intended to eat a cabbage for the rest of the day but I found that we were out of salt! Cabbage is no good without the salt! So I ate the left overs from the dinner I cooked last night. It was about 1 cup and 100 cals. Not too bad but then I binged on frosting! Damn it! I HATE that shit! And I even have to make it before I eat it! It was about 800 calories worth. I had a GOOD purge though afterwards. I didn't stop until there was only water coming out. We will see what happens tomorrow when I get on the scale though... I am fasting for the rest of the day and tomorrow I will eat the cabbage. My cereal for breakfast, cabbage for lunch/dinner and maybe a chicken patty (100 cals) for dinner so my husband wont freak out on me....

I HAVE to be strong and do this! I CANNOT stay this weight! 138! Ick!!!! Ick!!!!!! Ick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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