
2004-07-11 - 11:04 a.m.


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A pound a day - 2006-04-08
Back in black - well in fat anyway - 2006-04-05
Too stupid for my own good - 2004-10-27
The debate - 2004-10-27
To lie or not to lie, that is the question - 2004-10-26

leave me a note

Something I just posted in someone elses diary that I realize is profoundly true for me.... Wanted to add it to my own diary to save for later when I have my own moments of doubt....

"ED are so hard to understand. Even in the midst of it, we can hardly comprehend... For those that have not experienced it... It's like a foreign country. My "secret" is out... has been for a long time, but I have just stopped trying to talk to those that haven't ever been there. They just don't know what to say. I used to get mad, but now, I just sigh and am thankful for them that they don't understand. Blah. I ramble. Its funny about the names of them... eating disorders that is... A lot of people don't like to say them. I don't either. I just call it, my food thing, except for here. I think its because the words bulimia and anorexia always elicit a gasp from someone when they are uttered. Humans are so caught up in titles, we like to label things as if a once its labeled then its a done deal, we know what it is, there is no more to learn and we can put it away. That is sad regarding people, including those with ED. ED are as individual as the number of people suffering from them. Honestly, I think that is why people hate to use the names of certain conditions, because in the human mind, its final. And because those that haven't walked this path, don't have a clue what its about, that makes it all the more scary...."

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