This bingeing must stop!

2004-10-18 - 11:54 a.m.


Most Recent Entries
A pound a day - 2006-04-08
Back in black - well in fat anyway - 2006-04-05
Too stupid for my own good - 2004-10-27
The debate - 2004-10-27
To lie or not to lie, that is the question - 2004-10-26

leave me a note

I managed to do two days in preop and I got to start a lot of IVs. Hehe! I really didn't want to spend a day on the floor... trust me, I've been there, done that and I don't think I ever want to work days! Really! But I guess I was a little too confidant. I had been working just by chance with certain nurses and later on in the second day a nurse that I hadn't started an IV for asked me if I wanted to. I went into the little cubicle, set up and went to work looking for a vein. He was a hard stick but the other nurses had been letting me do harder ones even and I was landing them without problems so when I turned around and saw that she wasn't there, I didn't want to keep the surgeons waiting so I went ahead and started the IV. He had really squiggly veins though with tough valves and while I did get a good stick, it was too tempermental for surgery and she had to start it over.

Anyway, she came out of the cubical and proceeded to bitch me out! OMG! SHE DIDN'T EVEN GET HER FIRST STICK ON HIM EITHER! She apparently was under the impression that I was a new grad and that I had NO experience because she said something to the effect of, "I love the confidance, but you are a new grad.... blah blah...." How did I handle it? Oh my normal way, with sugar and spice and everything nice of course even if I did feel like screaming at her because I am NOT A NEW grad. Hello! I've been a nurse for 2 years and have decent experience and if I might say so myself, a touch of talent, for starting IVs. Always have too. I landed the first IV I ever started and that was about 5 years ago as a student so I have always been eager to practice.

Anyway, I put down my first NG tube by myself Sunday morning and did good... I have lost that new nurse hesitancy for sure... And I'm even LIKING work! Can you believe it!? I am ENJOYING going to work? Hehe! Anyway, enough of my boring life...

I did SO good, stayed off the scale, ate only what I had to for days and days and then I get off work on my last day, my husband leaves for elk camp without letting me get some sleep and I break down and binge on pizza and this terribly fattening sandwich. That was yesterday morning and I am just starting to feel hungry now. Blah. When I get tired my inhibitions fly right out the window and I eat. Gotta do something about that. Admitting it is the first step though right?

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