Screwed up

2002-11-12 - 10:14 a.m.


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A pound a day - 2006-04-08
Back in black - well in fat anyway - 2006-04-05
Too stupid for my own good - 2004-10-27
The debate - 2004-10-27
To lie or not to lie, that is the question - 2004-10-26

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If I have so many issues, what are they? Well, I come from a dysfunctional family. Who doesn't right? No, I really come from a doozy. Some highlights for ya.

My father is an diabetic alcoholic truck driver. He and my mother got a divorce about 2 years ago but they lived together for YEARS hating one another. I became very aware of the issue when I was 11 (come to think of it, that's when I started getting in trouble... must be a coincidence though right? <--sarcastic comment here, my parents say that everything that happened to me is MY fault. um yah, whatever.). My dad would get drunk and my mother would go to bed so he couldn't terrorize her. That left me to deal with him since I was the oldest kid. Anyway, they stopped sleeping together around that time. Yes I know, because my mother told me. Unfortunately. Then my mother asked for a divorce 7 years ago when she met a man. But she lived with my dad while that man was in prison for arson. She swears he is innocent. I don't know. But he WAS convicted. Supposedly he burned the house he shared with his wife at the time down to the ground. Now he's out of prison and they are living together. Sounds like a Ricky Lake show eh?

A little more about my mom, you never know if she is telling you something that really happened or what. No, I don't think she actually lies. I used to. I think she really believes it. Which is even worse if you ask me. I know that she is confused at any rate, sort of like a multiple personality thing. She has told me different versions of the same stories. And not even about stuff that matters. Its almost like she really experiences things in more then one way at the same time. Also, she forgets things too. Stuff that really is too important to forget... I dunno, maybe she is a liar and I am just trying to cover for her. She is my mother after all... She has good reason though if she is crazy. My grandfather molested her for years and my grandmother let it happen. My mother has food issues herself. She is obese, although she has lost over 100 lbs since getting involved with her new boyfriend 7 years ago. My mother has a disorder called compulsive overeating. She eats to try to fill up the emotional void inside her.... And depression. Can't forget that one... the psychosis dejour it seems eh? My mother really was depressed for a long time. My dad is a mean man and she let him take advantage of her for years. I guess he seemed better then my grandfather to her...

I have a 24 year old brother with a 6th grade education, who sells drugs, drives prostitutes around and still lives with my father off and on between stints of trouble with the law.

My sister, 20, made it a little further in school. She did manage to complete the 8th grade. She tried going to high school 3 or 4 years in a row but finally they told her she was getting too old to come back. Now she shuttles around living with my father and mother and with "friends". Basically people get sick of her crap and kick her out so she moves on. She even lived with me for 5 months. She also has a problem with food. She is VERY overweight and eats for comfort.

My littlest brother, 18, actually made it through his jr year in highschool. But he is sick with crones disease and really honestly has a hard time attending school. He is also an alcoholic though. He lives with my father who allows him to do whatever he wants and has since my mother moved out two years ago.

I have not lived with these goons for about 12 years now. I left when I was 15. I lived in a group home for a while and ran away right after my 17th birthday. I have been on my own ever since. I finished through the 10th grade but quit to work. Or that's what I told myself but I quit my job days later too and ended up on the streets for a few months. Now, I think I just gave up because it was the beginning of one HELL of a spell of depression. I did get my GED and joined the army when I was 18. I have an associates degree so it sort of makes up for not having a high school diploma. Anywho, I got into ALL kinds of trouble after leaving my parents house and quite a bit before that!

That's just the basics though of my dysfunctional family. The NICE stuff!! I could go on but I am sure its too boring to read.

anyway, my issues.....

So I come from a crazy family for one, I was gang raped when I was 14 and 15. Yes twice. I tried to commit suicide for the first time when I was 15. I used to cut myself as a way to deal with my emotional problems. I have an addictive personality. My first addiction was shoplifting when I was 12 and 13. I did that EVERY weekend until I got caught. Oops. Then it became food. Or rather, the not eating of it. i.e. anorexia. Later came some drug experimentation. I don't think I am addicted (except perhaps psychologically to pot) but I would classify myself as someone with the potential for a problem with substances.

But my take on the whole addiction thing is, the problem is a personality one, not a substance, food, stealing, whatever your choice of vise, one. Addiction is addiction is addiction.

What I have actually been diagnosed with... Bipolar disorder (debatable, have not taken a mood stabilizer for 12 years now). Depression and just recently generalized anxiety disorder. I have been hospitalized many times. And I don't mean a normal hospital. I am talking about inpatient psychiatric units. Yah, I am nuts for sure.

But this is the deal, for the most part, I seem normal. You would NEVER know to look at me that I am so crazy! Muaaahaaahaaa!!!!

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