
2004-09-05 - 11:33 a.m.


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leave me a note

I didn't go out last night. I was just wiped. I wanted to make it 7 days calorie free... That would have been 11 pm tonight but I could hardly ride my bike today. I only got 30 minutes in and my heart damn near popped out of my chest I swear! So I'm drinking a protien shake and I'm going to the store in a few minutes to get some laxies.... sigh... I hate those things but a week ago I ate an entire medium pizza hut pizza AND 5 cinni sticks. I know I didn't get it all up because I measure (tmi and WAY gross I know ) so I probably still have half a pizza in there somewhere.... I want to be COMPLETELY empty. So for now I'm switching to 3 protien shakes a day. Maybe tomorrow I'll get on the scale again....

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